Posted by: The Busy Post | June 28, 2012

The Day Freedom Died!! Live blog of orders and opinions

The bottom line: the entire ACA is upheld, with the exception that the federal government’s power to terminate states’ Medicaid funds is narrowly read.

Chief Justice Roberts’ vote saved the ACA.

Live blog of orders and opinions (Sponsored by Bloomberg Law) : SCOTUSblog.


  1. Na! Na! Na! Na! The American Spirit prevailed despite all opposition from the Reicht.

    • See you in November……….

      • Should I get out the yellow paint yet?

      • Do what you want. I coouldn’t care less.

      • likewise

      • Let me know how succesful you are receiving health care in 2014.

      • I am sorry to inform you that I am in a position by the grace of hard work, due dilligence and The Grace of God where I don’t need it.

        Whatever I need is paid for from my own resources within 30-60 days of services rendered and I pay no bill personally.

        Incidentally – – – my resources are substantial and I owe it all to God.

      • That will not be sufficient.

  2. Reblogged this on Gds44's Blog.

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